
Traumhafte Rundreisen / Europa / Rumänien / Sebes/Mühlbach

Rapa Rosie, Rote Schlucht Besonders Sehenswert

Rapa Rosie is a protected area, a monument of national interest in Alba County, Romania. It is a geological reserve, located in the extreme southwest of the Secaşelor Plateau on the right bank of the Secasul Mare, about 4 kilometres north of Sebes. Erosion and runoff has given it a prominent, sharp rocky appearance in the mountainside. Rapa Rosie measures approximately 10 hectares in size. Rapa Rosie stretches over a length of 800 metres.

A huge wall, almost vertical, gives the impression of a ruined ancestral monument. Tiered columns and pyramids, separated by ravines, form a badlands microrelief. The first report of a Cotofeni culture find at Rapa Rosie was made by Fr. W. Schuster in 1865. It was the first archaeological exploration made by him which revealed remnants of large and small pottery that had ornamentation, which also attested to the Cotofeni culture.

N 45,98769° O 23,59160°
Diese Stadt/Sehenswürdigkeit liegt an der Rundreise:

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