
Traumhafte Rundreisen / Europa / Rumänien / Brasov/Kronstadt

Scheii Brasovului Besonders Sehenswert

Scheii Brasovului is the old ethnically Bulgarian and Romanian neighborhood of Brasov, a city in Transylvania, Romania. This village-like section of the town is mostly made up of small houses built along narrow roads with gardens and small fields on the sides of the mountains. Until the 17th century, the inhabitants of Schei were forbidden from owning property inside the city walls.

The people living in the Schei could only enter the town at certain times and had to pay a toll at the Catherine's Gate for the privilege of selling their produce inside the town. Catherine's Gate was the only entrance for the Romanians — they were not allowed to use the other four entrances. It was in Schei that Brasov's first Romanian School was established, next to the Romanian Orthodox church of St. Nicholas.

Diese Stadt/Sehenswürdigkeit liegt an der Rundreise:

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