
Traumhafte Rundreisen / Europa / Spanien / Gijon - Gijon

Gijón Polytechnische Hochschule für Technik

Gijón Polytechnic School of Engineering is one of the schools and faculties of the University of Oviedo

The Gijón Polytechnic School of Engineering is the center formed by the merger of the 'School of Industrial Engineering of Gijón' 'with the' 'School of Engineering Technical Informatics and Telematics of Gijon' 'and' 'Polytechnic School of Engineering of Gijón , held in 2010.

  • University School of Industrial Engineering of Gijón
    The January 20 of 1888 Gijón opens in a school district of the Central School of Arts and Crafts in Madrid, installed in the street Institute, in the building that later would become headquarters Spain bank branch in Gijon. Would this School of Arts and Crafts in Gijon which by decree 1377/1972 of 10 May should become School of Engineering of Gijón integrated into the University of Oviedo. Previously, the August 17 of 1901 had taken the name of School of Industries. The December 16 of 1910 was renamed Industrial School . In 1929 returns to rename Higher School of Work in 1942 and School of Industrial Experts'.
    By Royal Decree 1457/1991 of 27 September, the School of Industrial Engineering of the Center of Integrated Teaching of Gijon joined the College of Engineering Technique Gijón .
  • Technical School of Computer Engineering and Telematics Gijon
    The E.U. Gijon Computing was created in 1982. Its first steps run from the hand of Department of Trade, Tourism and Social Sciences Jovellanos | EU Business Studies "Jovellanos" Gijon with which it shares government bodies, facilities and personnel. The degree offered by the E.U. Informatics is the Diploma in Computer Science, in its two specialties: Management and Systems.
    In 1990 the separation of the two centers occurs, the EU transladándose Computing the new campus, sharing facilities ETS Industrial Engineering and the facilities and personnel administration and services ES Civil Navy.
    A Council of Universities, dated July 20, 1992 changed its name to EUIT Computer Gijon.
    During 1992 to 1993 it enters into force a new curriculum and begin to be taught degrees of Technical Engineer in Computer Management and Technical Engineering in Computer Systems. In 1994-95 new facilities Aulario Viesques Campus, where the Centre's management is definitely located, the Library Administrative Services and the Student are inaugurated.
    During the academic year 2000-01 are effective current curricula of computer degrees and in the 2002-2003 plan corresponding to the degree of Engineer of Telecommunications, specializing in Telematics studies.
  • Polytechnic School of Engineering of Gijón
    The Polytechnic School of Engineering of Gijón born as' School of Industrial Engineering of Gijón by agreement of Government of Spain was April 18 of 1975 ( Decree 1434/1975 of June 19 - Official State Gazette of July 1). The first academic year began in 1978, and classrooms of the School of Industrial Engineering of Gijón were used. It was not until 1983 when the new school building was inaugurated.
    A new change of name to Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers and Computer Engineers of Gijon by Royal Decree 1457/1991 (BOE of October 12 of 1991, Art. 6 was carried out, Item 3), when the new Engineering degree in Computer Science was authorized.
    The Official Gazette of the Principality of Asturias of October 8 of 2002 published Decree 121/2002 by which we proceeded to a new change of name to the Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering Gijon after having begun to teach the new Telecommunications Engineering last year.

GPS-Daten: N 43,52339° W 5,62537°

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