One of the most ancient city in Iran, is Meshkin Shahr. It is the nearest city to the Sabalan high mountain. The longest suspended footbridge of the world is located above the Khiav river called Meshgin shahr suspended footbridge.
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The most important places for touring in the district of Meshkin Shahr are as following :
- Meshgin Shahr Suspended Footbridge
- Sahar Yeri historical area
- Hot water springs of Moil, Eelando and Qaynarja located in the suburb of the city
- Qara Soo River Sides.
- Petrograph of Shapour Sasani in Meshkin Shahr.
- Tomb of Sheykh Haydar in Meshkin Shahr.
- Old Castle of Meshkin Shahr.
- in der Umgebung
- Water spring of Qotur Suie located 42 kilometers to Meshkin shahr.
- Qahqaheh castle located 80 kilometers to Meshkin Shahr.
- Deev castle located in kavij.
- Old cemetery in Oonar.
- Imamzadeh Seyyed Soleyman.
- ancient site of Shahar Yeri located near the village of Pirazmian, 32 Kilometers from Meshkinshahr
- Deev castle located in kavij.
- Arshaq castle located 60 kilometers to Meshkin Shahr.
- Qishlaq Zaakhor castle located 50 kilometers to Meshkin Shahr.
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