St. Nicholas Church, Brasov Saint Nicholas Church is a Romanian Orthodox church in Brasov, dominating the historic district of Schei.
The church was established in 1292. It was mentioned in a Papal bull issued in 1399 by Pope Boniface IX. Starting in 1495, the church was rebuilt in stone by the locals, with help from Vlad Calugarul, Voivode (Prince) of Wallachia. More help was provided around 1512 by Neagoe Basarab.
Saint Nicholas Church was initially built in the Gothic style, it was later redecorated with Baroque style architectural elements. The interior has frescoes painted by the renowned muralist Mișu Popp.
Historic district
- Within the churchyard walls:
- St. Nicholas Cemetery, where Ioan Mesota, Aurel Popovici, Vasile Saftu, and Nicolae Titulescu are buried.
- Statue of Coresi.
- Adjacent in the Şchei historic district are:
- the First Romanian School (started in 1583).
Piata Unirii 1 - 2
N 45,63566° O 25,58169°
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