Biserica Cretulescu Kretzulescu Church is an Eastern Orthodox church in central Bucharest. Built in the Brancovenesc style. The church was commissioned in 1720–1722 by the boyar Iordache Cretulescu and his wife Safta, a daughter of prince Constantin Brancoveanu. Originally, the exterior was painted, but since the restoration work done in 1935–1936, the facade is made of brick. The frescoes on the porch date from the original structure, while the interior frescoes were painted by Gheorghe Tattarescu in 1859–1860.
The church, damaged during the November, 1940 earthquake, was repaired in 1942–1943. In the early days of the communist regime, Kretzulescu Church was slated for demolition, but was saved due to efforts of architects such as Henriette Delavrancea-Gibory. More renovations took place after the Bucharest earthquake of 1977 and the Revolution of 1989. To the side of the church now stands now a memorial bust of Corneliu Coposu.
Calea Victoriei, nr. 45A
N 44,43814° O 26,09678°
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